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Student Marketing Program- Information Release Form

Please complete this form whenever a teacher, counselor, etc. needs information about a Student's participation in the Student Marketing Program for verification purposes.

This form should be filled out by the person authorized to make the request- the Student themselves if they are age 18 or older OR the Student's parent or legal guardian.

Within 3-5 business days of this request being received, I will send an email to the person needing this information. I will also send a courtesy copy to the email address of the Student being used for participation in this program.

Thank you for participating in the Student Marketing Program and for helping make it a big success! I really do appreciate it! -Joe  

Masai Giraffe 18Masai Giraffe 18Kansas City Zoo in Kansas City, Missouri

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Charolais Cow 1Charolais Cow 1Tallgrass National Prairie Preserve in Strong City, Kansas