How to Shop Secure
Welcome to the How to Shop Secure landing page for my online gallery! I appreciate you stopping by!
To purchase an item(s) from my online gallery, all you have to do is
1. Visit one of my online galleries- my featured gallery Wild About Animals, or my other galleries Recently Added, Americana, Land and Water, Flowers, Kansas City Scenes, and Holiday
2. Click on a photo that you would like to purchase to access the Online Storefront
3. You can then choose to purchase one of the Featured Items
4. Or if you'd rather, you can click on the Visit Shop button to access the entire online store where you can see all of the product types that are currently available for sale- Prints, Greeting Cards, and Home Decor Items
5. Once you have finished purchasing your selected item, you can choose to Go Back to the Gallery to view more photos you may like to purchase, View Cart where you can proceed to checkout, or Continue Shopping with the Selected Photo where you can purchase more products made from the same photo.
6. After you have completed your order and you receive your confirmation email, don't forget to Register Your Purchase so that you can benefit your favorite charity or not-for-profit with the charitable portion of your purchase.
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Product Prices and Donation Amounts